Photo Gallery

Fun at Bonny Doone Kennel!

Check out some of Bonny Doone’s customers and Rhonda’s pups at play!

Milo kissing RhondaMoxie is Ready for the ballRoxy Jumping for JoyBailey getting some loveSadie and Craig at PlayHolly, Queen of the Water FountainHolly's Birthday Party!Murphy hunts for Easter EggsBrigitte, Playing BallBrigitte, Tug of War "Ï won!"Finnegan and Lucy Play BallSadie Flying...Sadie Running Away...Moose and Charlie love to come to Bonny DooneMoxie...Waiting, waiting, waiting... "Where is the BALL?"GrettaGrettaTomo, Let's play ballBella in her DogglesMary's Little LambFinn & Holly, Get the Fish!Finn & Craig, Waiting to PlayFinn 'Gets' the Water!Skye helps in the gardenCraig eats his veggiesRhonda celebrates Holly's BirthdayHolly celebrates St. Paddy's DayFinn waits for the Easter BunnyBuckshot celebrates the 4th of JulySkye, the Super DogHolly, A Scary WitchPippi LongStockingA Lovely PrincessCraig, A Worried BeeHolly, the SunflowerMerry Christmas from Rhonda and CrewCraig, the happy Christmas ElfCraig, the Christmas Elf guarding the sheepNell, the Green Queen of Bonny DooneCooling off on a warm day"Chicken TV" from the exercise runsField Play FUN!
1003 Los Carneros Avenue
Napa, CA 94559
Phone: (707) 226-1200